- The fee for services and care in the toddlers community is set at CZK 4700 for the school year 2024/2025.
- The fee for the afternoon club is set at 11 800 CZK for the 2024/25 school year.
- Administrative fee CZK 2,500 one-off
- Board 68 CZK (morning snack, lunch).
The amount of the fee for services and care in the toddlers community is determined by the contract for the given period of attendance.
The fee is paid regularly, every month, regardless of illness, public and other holidays, days when the children’s group is closed and other absences of the child.
The fee is paid by transfer to account 408 7076 339/0800 untill the 10th day of the previous month.
When paying, it is always necessary to state the variable symbol (on the contract), the name of the child and the word “fee for services and care in the DS” in the data for the recipient.
The meal fee is paid directly to the food supplier Česká jídelna.